Mommy's New Medicine


Episode Notes

"Welcome to 'Mommy's New Medicine,' a podcast where we journey into the heart of modern parenting, with a twist. I'm Monica, your host, navigating the complex intersection of motherhood, mental health, cannabis, and the transformative power of technology.

Just a few years ago, I faced an uphill battle with infertility, a traumatic birth, and the depths of postpartum depression. Like many, I turned to alcohol for comfort. But in order to become the mother I aspired to be, I had to rethink my choices.

Through therapy, hard work, and a surprising ally – cannabis – I've discovered a new way to be present and proactive in my family's life. 'Mommy's New Medicine' is more than just a podcast; it's an innovative platform at the heart of motherhood, cannabis, and technology.

Here, we'll explore the responsible use of cannabis, contrasting its benefits and overcoming the stigmas surrounding it, especially in light of society's views on alcohol. It's time to demystify this path and offer a fresh perspective on what wellness can look like for modern moms.

We're also pushing boundaries by delving into how cutting-edge tech and AI tools can revolutionize parenting. From enhancing family life to finding comfort in the digital age, this podcast is a hub for tech-savvy, mindful parenting.

Join me in candid conversations with moms, experts, and advocates. We'll share personal stories, professional insights, and practical tech solutions. Together, we're building a community of informed, adaptable, and connected mothers.

'Mommy's New Medicine' is about transforming our struggles into strengths, one honest story at a time. Find us on Apple, Spotify, YouTube, or wherever you listen to podcasts. Let's embark on this journey together."